My daughter Catherine's rendition of me when I'm happy
It happened again, Gregory stopped me in my tracks. This morning as the other kids were getting ready to file out & catch their morning schoolbus, Gregory stared into his older brother Luke's face intently and said "Luke", and started saying "nose", "ears", etc while looking at Luke's face. He also looked out the door and started labeling "tree" & "snow". He was a naming machine.
This was magical when you consider a year ago, you were lucky if he looked at your eyes directly for more than 1 second. It was almost as if your eyes were bright, burning suns that he must avoid, or your face was a giant magnet of the same polarity as his so that they only repelled eachother.
It's as if his brainwaves are starting to get better organized & new synapses are joining up.
THIS IS HOW IT OUGHT TO BE -- in between those long months of wanting to tear your hair out & wondering if all the work being put into him was working, some signs of improvement descend upon us, and keep us going.
We savor each shiny glimmery jewel of improvement, and put them in our pocket along the way.
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